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Posts published by “Kathleen Donovan”

“Fast Computers” are sassing up indie pop

"We changed in the van," said Jennifer Fox, the drummer of Fast Computers said as she wrinkled her nose by the dimly lit bar. Though that hardly seemed fitting for a band earning accolades from sources as diverse as Hustler Magazine and National Public Radio, the hectic beginning did not seem to affect their spirits or their style.

Mission 17 gallery exhibits edgy avant-garde art

Mission 17, the brainchild of former Mills professor Clark Buckner, is a "not for profit center for research in aesthetics." But don't let the big words scare you off; assistant director and Mills College alumna Elaine Santos (2005) says the gallery does not have typical art scene snobbery.


Mills College, safety, housing, Charlotte Riggert, Larsen House, contract, ban, eviction

Open Forum

We began this semester on a solemn note, reflecting on the life and grieving the loss of a fellow Mills woman whose life was abruptly shortened by domestic violence. In retrospect, it left me wondering if as an institution and community of her peers, there was anything more we could have done to intervene or support her.

Letters to the Editor

Wishes to clarify and elaborate on previous Opinions submission I appreciate your publication of the commentary on feminism I co-authored with Jennifer Smith in [the Oct. 15 issue of The Campanil]. I do wish, however, to offer a few points of clarification, as I felt that some of the message of our piece was lost in printing.

Open Forum

I have recently returned to my "exile base" in Wales from Quebec City where I was invited to attend the American Musicological Society's annual conference and received an invitation from the editors at The Campanil to make a statement to the Mills community.

New scholarship for education students

A new five thousand dollar scholarship, established in honor of former director of the Mills' Children School, Joan Henry, was awarded to senior Ashley Eisele this semester.

The scholarship, endowed with a one hundred thousand dollar principle, was awarded based on several qualifications.