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Posts published by “Anna Belle Peterson”

Anna Belle is the former Features Editor for The Campanil. She graduated with a history major and journalism minor in May 2010. Interact with her on twitter @abelle13.

Collaborative art exhibit displays natural beauty

Rooms full of fabric leaves, tunnels of reflected light, animations and hundreds of colorful ceramic pieces in every shape and size make up the first…

Juniors and seniors celebrate year

The Junior-Senior Celebration took place on Apr. 30 in the alumnae house. It included a live band, food, drinks and a slide show of pictures from students. During the event, seniors "passed on the torch" to juniors by giving them advice for their final year.

All You Need Is Love Celebrating Valentine’s Day in style

Whether you hate it or love it, the time is ripe for another holiday to sneak its way into ad campaigns: Valentine's Day. If you are in a relationship, you might have started thinking about a plan of action for you and your sweetheart. If you are single, maybe it hasn't even come up on your radar yet.

Mills awaits AC Transit response for bus passes

Efforts to get AC Transit bus passes for Mills College students is on hold pending a response from AC Transit officials about pricing.

According to Barbara Haber, interim assistant vice president of Campus Planning and Facilities, the transit agency had some internal issues holding them up.

Staff say AC Transit passes possible for fall 2009

At a transportation town hall meeting last Wednesday, Dec. 3, ASMC representatives and staff members presented an update on the process for giving AC transit bus passes to students. Representatives from ASMC, Public Safety, other staff members and about 20 students attended the meeting.

Questions surround crime near campus

Sophomore Ann Branson admits that when she told friends she was going to go to school in Oakland, they warned her.

"People told me, 'you should carry mace with you,'" she said. "There's a big stigma attached [to] Oakland."

Last year, there were 127 homicides according to sfgate.

Students rally against Proposition 8

The opposition to Proposition 8, which eliminated the right for same-sex couples to get married, has only grown in the three weeks since the proposition passed on Nov. 4. Many, including Mills students, attended rallies all over California to express their anger and opposition to the proposition.