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Question of the Week | May 3, 2011

If you were invited to the royal wedding, how would you ruin it in five minutes or less?


“By hitting on Prince William. I would
shout things at him like ‘nice *ss!’
and ‘you get that!'”
— Michele Collender
First year

“I wouldn’t because I have so much
respect for the prince. And I’d be
down to marry his brother or any
of the royals.”
— Jasmine Abele

“I would have to prepare in advance,
but I’d let about five wolverines loose.
They’re the most vicious animal. That
would mix things up.”
— Samara Halperin

“I’d stand up during the ceremony and
yell ‘Tell us your last name!'”
— Alex Treu
2nd year graduate student


Compiled by Joann Pak and Lauren Soldano.