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Question of the Week | October 5, 2010

If you were planning to sabotage class tomorrow, how would you do it?

“Bring up Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Mention that it is a feminist masterpiece.”

— Amber Hopkins

“Break into song and dance, starting
with making a pre-arranged comment about the
reading. It would be highly choreographed and
involve the tables.”

— April Angeles and Ariel Heyman
First year graduate students

“We’d release some vermin, then watch
the mayhem ensue.”

— Lindsea Wilbur and Mari Hill

“Seal the windows and doors and then fill
the room with helium so everyone would speak in
high pitched voices. Then I’d get people to come in
dressed in early 20th century garb and stare everyone
down in a haunting, ghostly manner.”

— Jenny Irizary

Feel free to leave us your answer to the QOTW as a comment below!