Follow Arts & Entertainment Editor Emily Mibach on Twitter for her ACP updates: @eamplant

I have so much to say about my time thus far at ACP that I’m not sure how to start. However, two things that have happened today kind of stand out to me: live-tweeting the talks I’ve been to and glaring.
Now, for anyone who knows me at all, you would know that I glare a lot. Sometimes it’s not on purpose (see “resting bitch face”), and other times it’s because I just really REALLY don’t want to talk to you, or don’t want to get trampled because of my short stature (how glaring helps that I’m not too sure, but it DOES help).
Someone at a talk smiled at me.
I glared at him.
Someone almost ran into me in the bathroom.
I glared at her.
However, I am having a good time here with my fellow Campanil editors. And it was our Online Editor Melodie Miu who suggested before we left for ACP that I live-tweet one of the keynote speakers. However, during the “Journalism Ethics: Doing the Right Stories the Right Way” talk, I simply just heard sound bite after sound bite of ‘tweetable’ stuff. Since we’re not writing a formal article about ACP where we need formal quotes, where else should I be putting these excellent quotes or ideas I’ve taken from this conference?
The answer: Twitter.
I’ve also been taking notes besides tweeting, so if I don’t have cramped hands by the end of this weekend I won’t know why.
As for the rest of ACP? I’m looking forward to glaring at more strangers as well as learning more valuable skills to implement at The Campanil as well as my other journalistic ventures. And don’t worry, I’ll probably be tweeting about them.

Follow Arts & Entertainment Editor Emily Mibach on Twitter for her ACP updates: @eamplant
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