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Weishaar says Goodbye to Mills Community

To the Mills Community,I am writing to say my goodbyes to all of you as I end 21 wonderful years at Mills College.Thanks for the memories I take with me from the years that I worked with students and alumnae as Director of the Career Center and Sophomore Dean. During those years I was privileged to assist hundreds of prospective and enrolled students as they dreamed about and explored the questions, “what do I want to do when I grow up?”, “what can I do with my major?”, and others that you may be asking yourselves right now. Working with alumnae who were considering a change was also very rewarding and to this day I hear from many, just wanting to keep in touch. As Dean of Students (an interim appointment) for 1 1/2 years, it was rewarding to work with students and colleagues as we collaborated on initiatives and projects to assure the success of students and the institution. From the leave of absence I took last semester, I have decided that it is time to leave my Mills career. While I miss coming to campus every day, seeing your smiling (and sometimes crying) faces, sitting down with you to talk about your successes and challenges, meeting to discuss programs, working toward the resolution of a problem, and the many other matters that arose, it is time for me to re-create myself. I wish the very best for each and every one of you.I especially want to thank OSL staff, interns, and work study-students; because of you, coming to work each day was a joy!Fondly,Shirley Weishaar