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PETA encourages students to eat vegan

Dear Editor,

Re: "Meal plans fail to meet students' needs," 3/2/06

It's great to know that students would like more vegetarian and vegan options at Mills College. A healthy plant-based diet not only helps students fight the dreaded "Freshman 15" and other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, it saves countless animals from suffering.

A nationwide survey conducted by ARAMARK, a company that provides food to universities and school districts, revealed that one out of every four college students wants vegan meals. I encourage interested students to visit to learn how students at the University of California at Berkeley and other colleges nationwide have persuaded their school officials to offer more vegetarian and vegan options.


Heather Moore

Senior Writer

People for the Ethical

Treatment of Animals


501 Front St.

Norfolk, VA 23510
