ASMC Executive Board Report For November 16 & 23,2004
Items Apporved:
-WOMAM (Women of Music at Mills) , to recieve regular club funding
-Partial funding towards Vagina Fredly Club, for the production of Vagina Monologues
–Partial funding for the Transfer & Junior Class Mixer to be held at Mary Atkins Dec. 8
-Partial funding for VOICE in order to probide a traveling espresso cart during finals week on campus (Dec. 9,10,11,13) in the Student Union.
-Partial funding for the freshwoman class for an open mic/coffee house night. All proceeds will go towards their adopted agency (East Oakland Community High School).
-Legislative Congress has approved the ASMC Consitution.
Open Positions:
-There are immediate openings for ASMC Execuitive Board: Web Coordinator & Publicity Chair. The following positions will be open for appointment in the spring: Co-organization Coordinator and Historian.
-Join ASMC! Petitions are available on the ASMC communication board and at http://www. Turn in peitions to the Office of Student Life.