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This years health fair a ‘smoothie’

Mills College Weekly

Massage, chiropractic, acupuncture and rock climbing demonstrations added to the informational booths that lined Toyon Meadow at the Health Fair last Thursday.

There were more than 30 booths dedicated to information ranging from the Women’s Cancer Resource Center to better investing. The residential community life office had a booth dedicated to stress relief by offering people the chance to paint a picture and handing out paint brushes with tips on how to deal with stress on them.

The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine had people signed up to receive acupuncture for overall good health. People could be seen climbing the rock wall and there was a self-defense demonstration.

“I like how Mills embraces all aspects of health,” said sophomore Karen Pfeiffer. “Health isn’t just physical but mental as well and the booths really represent the spectrum.”

“All the food was great,” said freshwoman Erin Latimer, “I think it’s important to know what we have in the area health wise.”

The Taoist Center offered fliers about classes and upcoming events, which is located on MacArthur Boulevard. The Woman’s Health Rights Coalition had pamphlets and brochures dealing with topics like pelvic exams.

The Tang Center had two separate tables, one focusing on sex related topics and a second focusing on the general health information.

As far as the food, Jamba Juice was present and swarmed with people waiting to get samples of smoothies. Odwalla juices, organic fruits and vegetables, and Aidel’s sausages were also present.

Freshwoman Camille Pejoro said “It was very informative and I liked the free samples.” Free samples ranged from food to dental dams.

Organizations and vendors also gave away items with their advertisements such as pencils, pens, and nail files.

Cynthia Turner, Mills College health program director, was pleased with the attendance of students and community members, programs and services.

“I was really happy. The committee worked really hard and it’s the biggest thing we put on,” said Turner.

Turner is planning on more student involvement in the Health Fair by including students on the Health Fair Committee Board.