As students transition into their new classes, the Mills College tennis team has begun preparing for its upcoming spring season. With new players and head coach, the tennis team has set expectations to help them excel in their matches.
New for this season, Head Coach Amy Jensen already sees potential in her new team. The team’s eight players range in perspectives but share a common goal, showing Jensen promising results in this coming tennis season.
“We are going to win Conference [Championship],” Jensen said. “We have our eyes on the goal.”

Jensen tells her team during every practice that it only takes four of the eight players to win it all for Mills College in the Conference Championship. With her team accepting this season’s challenges and focusing on their goals, Jensen is confident that her team will have a successful season.
First year, Priscilla Son, looks forward to competing and traveling with her fellow teammates.
Son believes that the team has already helped improve her performance on the courts and adjust to her first year at Mills.
“My tennis team members are super supportive, and the seniors on the team make me feel really comfortable,” Son said. “I don’t feel so nervous as much as excited.”
Christina Gnong, sophomore, finds supports through Jensen and her tennis team. Their support has helped Gnong grow as an individual as well has improve her tennis skills.
“Amy and the team helped motivate me to achieve success as well as motivate me to be who I am,” said Gnong.
This season, the team will focus on creating small goals, such as making more serves and returns. Jensen believes that the key to improvement is self-comparison.
“If we can keep our eye on our goal and compare ourselves to ourselves, we can continue to improve,” said Jensen.
In the upcoming spring season, the tennis team will play seventeen matches with opponents ranging from divisions two and three. Regardless, the Cyclones are motivated and ready to advance far in their division.
“Amy has so much faith in us,” Gnong said. “I think we are ready, mentally and physically.”