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Mills hosts 14th annual Swim-a-Mile

Swim-A-Mile, an annual event held on the Mills College campus to raise money for those with cancer, raised more money this year than last.

According to Swim Coach Neil Virtue, the event raised $255,000, versus $218,000 last year. All proceeds go to the Women’s Cancer Resource Center. Virtue estimated members of the Mills community raised over $4,000 alone.
Held the weekend of Oct. 3 and 4, 27 Mills community members, including those on the swim team, participated in Swim-A-Mile, and each swam a full mile.

Virtue said not only was the event a success, but the swim team-sponsored clinics were as well.

“The team helped over 50 people who were registered for the event improve their strokes,” Virtue said in an email.

“The event was powerful and fun from Sabrina Kwist learning to swim six weeks ago and completing the mile, to some swimmers with some individual stories that were time pertinent for the event,” said Virtue.

Kwist is the assistant director for Student Diversity Programs at Mills.

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