A freeze-frame of Frances Stark in her 53-minute installation at the Art Museum. The piece, which is projected on eight separate walls, explore the space between text, drawing, PowerPoint, musical scores, film and video chats. Photos by Joann Pak.
Stark's two larger vinyl pieces. The wall vinyl is made of synthetic resin, commonly used for wallpaper and vinyl records.The hand painted sign on the wall outside of the Mills College Art Museum with the dates. The event will continue for the duration of the fall semester, allowing students to regularly check it out.
Upcoming events at the Mills College Art Museum
Sept. 22, 7-9 P.M.
Art Museum
Credo in Us: A Celebration of the Fine Arts at Mills
Oct. 26, 7 P.M.
Art Museum
Lecture by Martha Wilson
Stark's computerized self portrait in leaves.
Nov. 9, 7 P.M.
Danforth Lecture Hall
Lecture by Camille Utterback
Nov. 16, 7 P.M.
Danforth Lecture Hall
Lecture by Leslie Shows
Dec. 7, 7 P.M.
Danforth Lecture Hall
Lecture by Frances Stark
Joann was the Arts and Features Editor for The Campanil from Fall 2011 to Spring 2013. She was student of art history and contemporary theory (Graduated Fall 2013) with interdisciplinary interests in the Arts.
During her time at Mills she founded an all girl John Cage cover band.