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Staff Editorial: Mills reconstruction

As a newspaper, The Campanil strives to report accurate and unbiased news despite our personal thoughts about Mills College and its current reconstruction. We aspire to be a helpful means to give facts and information about all that has happened amidst confusion and contention.

At the same time, we are students seeking a higher education here at Mills College. As students, we are affected by this reconstruction. We’re watching our departments, professors, faculty, staff — even administration — experience such a difficult time,  from those members of the Mills community being laid off over the summer to programs, such as Spiritual and Religious Life, lacking leadership.

We have heard of fundamental classes being cancelled because of enrollment requirements. Students are contemplating their futures at Mills because of these layoffs, class cancellations and all-around confusion concerning the reconstruction of the school’s budget. In fact, there have been a few students this semester that left in protest of these events.

The Campanil understands the anxiety that our current professors and almost every staff and faculty member have for their job security, even with their years of experience in and outside of Mills. We feel the tense atmosphere on this campus and everyone’s want for answers. After all, we are a part of this community and have a right to know what is going on. The Campanil understands all of these overwhelming feelings here at Mills.

Despite the differences and conflicts, there is a common interest that we all share or are invested in: Mills College. From departments to faculty to students, we care about the place we attend and receive our education, earn our income, gain new experiences and so forth.

There are students and staff speaking out and protesting to make a difference not only for themselves, but for Mills as a whole. Those that invest and take time in our education and Mills altogether should not have to fear being laid off at any given moment with no explanation. Students should not have this impending worry for the place they are supposed to seek higher learning. Overall, we are concerned about Mills, as we are a part of its community.

As students, we recognize our current investments to Mills College. At the same time, as staff members of The Campanil, we hold ourselves to the ethics of journalism: to give information that is accurate, fair and unbiased.