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Staff Editorial: Critique of Silent Protest Coverage

As a publication, The Campanil strives to report on news. We want to give an account of what has been happening, provide multiple viewpoints and allow the reader to make his/her/their own decision from the information provided. A critique on our coverage of the Silent Protest on the steps of Adam’s Plaza March 5, was that we watered down a powerful protest with our reporting. Know our intention was and is to convey what happened on campus for students, alumna and community members who were not able to be there in person, as well to document it for continued media coverage.

We hold ourselves to the ethics of journalism: to seek truth and accuracy, to convey truths to an audience and to use our publication to check the power structures that surround us. And we need people on staff who are willing to shape our publication to make us as efficient, well-represented and informed journalists as possible.

But we also want to take a moment to say that as a publication, we are trying to showcase multiple viewpoints. We cannot effectively do our job if members of our community are silenced from fear of expressing sentiments that go against others’ opinions. When these opinions are said aloud or in print, even if and especially if the reader does not agree with them, they become part of the larger dialogue that we as a community need to have. Nothing will be changed if people cannot speak aloud and hear reactions. We realize though that issues of racism are highly personal and emotional. For those expressing opinions, please keep in mind that it is crucial for each and every one of us to do as much work as possible to educate ourselves. Only when we have done that can we responsibly express our beliefs to one another and enact change.

As a publication that is trying to serve the Mills community, we know that we need the Mills community’s help to be better. This is your school’s newspaper. If you hate it, help change it or communicate how we can improve so that you can be proud. We are part of your community. We want to listen to your voices.

For more related posts, check out The Campanil‘s designated web page for our ongoing protest coverage.