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Staff Editorial: How to survive finals—or at least try

Spring is in the air—and for us students that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop and smell the flowers. It means agonizing over final projects, late-night paper writing, and finals, finals, finals.

The Campanil staff have lots of different studying (or sometimes non-studying) finals habits, and we’ve done some extensive student soul searching to compile a list of three important tips to help you make it to the end of the semester finish line.

First—don’t forget to eat!

Try to avoid sustaining hours of studying solely on junk food and energy drinks.  Taking regular meal breaks and eating healthy, real food at normal intervals will really go a long way to decrease levels of depravity and make you feel like the articulate, sane person you are.

Secondly, it’s okay to indulge in your vices a little bit.  

We can’t encourage you to go out and buy a pack of smokes on the record, but rewarding yourself every couple of hours with a latte or something else you wouldn’t normally splurge on can help boost your morale.  Plus if you take just small breaks every once in awhile it might help you avoid the exasperation that leads to those dreaded two hour Facebook binges.

Finally, try to keep relaxed.  

Certainly feeling compelled to give all your academic work better than your best shot is a great goal, but it’s okay to remind yourself that your life never really hinges on a single assignment, test, or project.  And who knows, maybe the paper you thought was a sure failure will delight your hard-to-please professor.  Miracles do happen, and they certainly abound during finals.

You’re almost free to climb down from the ivory tower—but no playing Rapunzel until it’s over, no matter how handsome the suitor or how exciting the offerings of your Netflix Instant Que.