Leslie Griffy
Without Griff the paper would not be what was this year. You brought the paper new, fresh ideas and a professional look that could only come from someone with your dedication to the Weekly and journalism. Whether you were laying out pages or going after that big story, we knew you would always come out on top. You pushed us to be the best we could be as editors, writers, photographers, it didn’t matter as long as we tried. Cheers Griff!
Rufiena Jones
Fina, Fina. Thank you for bring bright-eyed energy into the Weekly this semester. You emerged as a conscientious writer and gladly met the challenge as a page editor this semester. You have injected high energy and serious love and passion for the written word, which will make us miss your presence when you leave here. Wherever your path may lead we know you will meet the challenges and enjoy tremendous success.
Jessica Hilberman
Our grammar will be good damnit! Your tireless ideas, energy and criticism made all of us better writers (and if not, then at least we spelled it right). We always knew we could count on you to write that one extra last minute story even if you had twelve papers of your own to write or get you to stay until four a.m. Your dedication to the Weekly spanned beyond the office and to helping deliver solid news to people to your loyalty to your friends here.
Mariko Matoba
As our online editor you diligently worked to ensure the online community had access to your hard work every week. At times you also function as an honorary page editor helping us with photo spreads and generating spry ideas. Your career with the Weekly has spanned a long time and we Thank-you for all your work and your quirky bubbly presence at the office will be missed.
Robin Powlesland
A whiz on the computer, what would we have done without you? Your expertise in graphic design has helped us out of many jams and helped added creativity and sparkle to our pages. With your help the Weekly was able to produce very exciting pages. We will miss you and wish you luck in your future endeavors.
Jenny Sit
You have been more than an editor in chief, reporter, copy editor and writing coach to all of us. You have been a friend, a mentor, a leader for us to look up to. We admire your internships, your job, your cool, collected behavior. You’ve no idea how special of a person you are to us.