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Recruitment kicks off

Recruitment for fall 2002 is underway, with programs such as “Phone Blitz” and “Taking Mills Home for the Holidays,” said Avis Hinkson, dean of admissions.

The “Taking Mills Home for the Holidays” program provides each interested Mills College student with a packet of recruitment materials that they can take to their local high school or community college over the winter break.

“Clubs or religious organizations are also alternatives to taking this program to a local high school or community college. Overall, the hope is that their presence in the school that they may have graduated from will increase the visibility of Mills and encourage more students to apply,” said Hinkson.

In addition, the admissions department is also planning a “Phone Blitz” where current Mills College students will contact over 5,000 prospective students in six days. The goal of the “Phone Blitz” is to encourage prospective students to apply.

For fall enrollment, Dale Robards, head of the admission department’s hostesses program, said that she wants to encourage even more students to apply for the overnight or day programs created to interest prospective students.

“We have been deeply blessed by having incredibly generous hostesses this year,” said Robards. “They really make these programs what they are because student contact is what’s important to the prospective students.”

Kathryn Cabunoc, admissions technical specialist, said that the recruiters have been especially busy this year, but they still are working hard to pull in even more students. The recruiters are beginning to return from recruiting trips all over the country, and are now compiling data about all prospective students.

The numbers for the spring semester are up this year with 70 applications compared to last year’s 55. 64 of this year’s applicants are transfers and six are freshwomen, compared with seven freshwomen and 48 transfers from last year, according to Hinkson.

Students interested in the “Taking Mills Home for the Holidays” program should contact Heather Hamrick in the Admission Office for a 20 minute appointment to pick up their materials and a quick training session.

Students interested in helping with the “Phone Blitz” are should to contact Courtney Long or Jessica Oviedo in the Admissions Office.