LeAnna Perez was announced as ASMC president on Monday. Perez says she has been both overwhelmed and thrilled to be taking on this position in student government.
“I feel excited and honored I was elected president. I can’t believe it,” said Perez.
Perez also said that this election has resulted in her getting a lot more attention.
“I’m not officially president till August, but people see me and say ‘Hey Perez!”
Perez hopes to make changes to the Mills community by making the ASMC more visible.
“Students don’t know about all the resources ASMC provides. I hope to have clear communication with the students and want to know what the students want and need. People have been coming up to me and have given me ideas about what they want to see at Mills,” said Perez.
Part of Perez’s petition is to highly publicize ASMC meetings and office hours. She also wants to create a web site that will enable easy accessibility for contact and communication.
“On the proposed Web site there will be information about our board members, our positions, meetings, minutes, contacts and up-coming events.”
Perez also commented on the importance of having a woman of color in such a high student government position.
“I think it’s cool that I am a woman of color, even though I don’t think that mattered much to the voters, especially with everything going on with the Solidarity Lounge. I hope the climate on campus will improve with women of color in power. It’s recognizing that Yeah, we are here!”