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The Campanil

Funding cut in half

The group which funds some of Mills multicultural programs has cut their grant to the college in half, forcing Mills to cut some of its…

Salary plan in review

Faculty and administration are considering possible changes to the faculty salary plan, at the behest of the Board of Trustees. “The Board is responsible for…

Woman held on campus

A woman with a large kitchen knife concealed in her backpack was taken from Olin Library to John George Psychiatric Pavilion after being deemed a…

Answering questions about Anthrax

In the wake of the recent biological terrorism, a lecture on the who, what, why, where, and how’s of Anthrax was held in the Student…

Architectural alumna visits

Mills College alumna and UC Berkeley professor Ananya Roy gave a guest lecture on campus Oct. 29. Sociology professor Ted Thomas introduced Roy, who graduated…

Writers Harvest

In a fundraising effort to combat hunger, Mills College joined with the Alameda County Community Food Bank at Writers Harvest 2001 last Thursday. All proceeds…

Declaration of zone raises questions

While some faculty support President Holmgren’s decision to declare Mills a hate-free zone in light of the Sept 11 attacks, some students are skeptical. In…