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Meal Cards

“When I enter the Tea Shop, I really no longer consider my meal card a meal card. It’s more of a “discount card.”

For example, I can get a full meal at the Tea Shop – say, a tuna sandwich ($2.50), a bag of chips ($.75), and a water ($.75) – but not within or under the amount specified by my meal card. Since the above meal, which I consumed only last week, cost $4.00, and one swipe of my meal card only covers $3.40 of my Tea Shop purchases, my lunch cost me $.60.

Now this is a pretty good deal, a full lunch for $.60. I would much rather have my “discount card” than not have it. But it’s a freaking meal card and should pay for my whole freaking meal because I’m a broke college student and I really needed that 60 cents to do my freaking laundry.

In comparison to the Tea Shop, the other day I had lunch at Founders’, or, as many of us on-campus students call it, “Chez Founday.” I ate a feast of a lunch, including a bean and cheese burrito, an enormous salad, three glasses of water, frozen yogurt with mini M&Ms on top, and I got to walk off with an apple tucked in my purse for later – all this for one swipe of my meal card.

Unfortunately, I had to walk up that huge hill in order to get there, which required that I burned off the calories I was about to consume.

Perhaps the reason we get less bang for our meal cards at the Tea Shop is because we do not have to scale the Matterhorn to get there, and thus the Tea Shop feels that it should ensure that we do not eat as much, to prevent our getting fat from lack of hill-climbing excersize. Or perhaps the over-priced offerings at the Tea Shop are some sort of a punishment for our being too lazy to walk up to Founders’, or too late to make it to regularly scheduled meals.