Administration officials have said that the $2 million in cuts may come out of classes or departments with low enrollment.
Although the exact plan for making up the shortfall has not yet been developed, it is due on Dec. 15, here is how enrollment and applications in different departments breaks down:
n According to dean of admissions Avis Hinkson, there were 41 applications that expressed interest in Mills’ languages programs, a department some students and faculty fear will be cut. This is up 16 applications from last year.
The Weekly was unable to obtain the data on applications to other departments.
Class enrollment 2000-2001:
n The modern languages and literature and philosophy departments had the lowest average class enrollment, according to the Office of Institution Research’s Facts and Trends.
Both departments averaged 6 students per course.
n Anthropology had the largest average class size with an average of 32 students per class.
The second largest average class size for a subject was the required college 10 section with 17 per average class.
Declared majors 2000-2001:
n A total of 196 graduates and undergraduates declared in the Fine Arts division.
n One hundred sixty-nine students had declared in the letters division.
n More than 289 graduates and undergraduate students had declared their intention to study in natural sciences and mathematics department.
n Social sciences had 105 students declaring their major in this division.
n One hundred twenty-nine students declared interdivisional majors.