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ACP 2011 | Hollywood: Real, Fake & Television sets

Cross-posted from Tymeesa Rutledge’s personal blog, Tiny Tee’s BIG small World.

Within the 2nd day of the ACP conference, I listened to the West Coast Editor of about the Charlie Sheen scandal to the set of Style network’s How do I look?

You can’t get more Hollywood Access than that within 24 hours at a conference.

I began the day with excitement about the how-to-guide session and freelance your stories led by James McCommons. Those two sessions were interesting, informative and applicable to my work. The tips and structures given were interesting, informative and interesting. The tips and structures that were given were short, sweet and straight-forward. McCommons also emphasized that journaliss know the market,voice,newspaper and magazines.

After, listening to and being inspired by the advice given. I was excited to hear from the LA Times sports columnist and ESPN panelist Bill Plaschke. I knew that he would be a great speaker because of his work with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization. Plaschke shared so many gems of wisdom: telling the stories of people that aren’t heard, making people feel, power of words, storytelling and face-to-face communication. I was so impressed that I gave him a big “O”.

From giving the big “O” to the keynote speaker Bill Plaschke to saying “Ohhhh” agreeing with Michael Fleeman about the mess that Charlie Sheen has created in the past few days in the media. Fleeman was informative, effective and transparent. I appreciated his emphasizing of knowing your audience, getting the story right and having fun!

It’s pretty amazing that I was in the press room for the Oscars 2011 with the West Coast editor of talking about the latest celebrity scandals. But, my Hollywood Access did not end there.

Bianca Butler randomly met a producer for a television show, how do I look? We were invited to be a part of the audience.

The experience was good — lights, camera, cheering, smiling and of course, action!

I had amazing Hollywood access.

Read the The Campanil staff’s experiences at the ACP 2011 convention in Hollywood, Los Angeles on our website’s special blog page.