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Emergency preparedness at Mills

With many natural disasters worldwide, students are wondering about Mills College’s emergency plans.

Mills has emergency plans for earthquakes, fires, active incidents, power outages and medical emergencies.

All the details of the drills and evacuation plans can be found on the Inside Mills website.

The fire evacuation plan outlines the multiple evacuation areas on campus.

The emergency alert system is utilized in these events and students are alerted via text, call or email.

In the case of an active threat students are advised to evacuate the building if they can do so safely and call 911. In the case of a bomb threat, students are advised to not operate any power or light switches, use elevators, congregate in lobbies or courtyards, use cell phones or radios within 300 feet of the suspected device or disturb any unusual packages while evacuating.

In an earthquake “drop, cover, hold,” and “if inside, stay inside. If outside, stay outside.”

The presentation on the website also talks about residential fire prevention. This includes avoiding leaving cooking unattended, smoking only in designated smoking areas and not lighting candles or incense in residential halls.

During a medical emergency, students are to call 911 and then alert public safety.

General inquiries about these emergency procedures can be made at