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Eden’s Corner

We can get through the school year without feeling overworked or overwhelmed by stress, but it will require some thoughtful, conscious choices.

I believe that there’s a certain social dogma about stress: If you aren’t stressing out, you must not be accomplishing much.  I admit, I’ve been a victim to stress time and time again, but I’m finally grasping the truth: Stress does not help anything; it only contributes to sleep deprivation and makes people unpleasant and irritable.

Stress affects our bodies the same way eating does. What we put into our bodies — physically or mentally — will affect us either negatively or positively. It’s important, not only through the remainder of the school year, but throughout life, to maintain healthy habits in order to keep our minds and bodies in harmony. Here are some simple tips to combat stress:

  • Take a spoonful of honey in hot water.

My mother uses this this little remedy that she learned from my grandmother. This will provide immediate stress relief. The natural sugars in honey will give you energy and the hot water will spread calming sensations throughout your body.

  • Eat yogurt

 I actually received this tip from a personal fitness trainer at the gym once over the summer. Yogurt is rich in Vitamins A, B and D, which provide relief from from stress, insomnia, migraines and menstrual cramps. Plus it’s a delicious and healthy snack alternative!

  • Avoid coffee, soda, high amounts of salt, smoking and alcohol.

Tough, I know. We’ve all heard about the damaging effects of  caffeine, sodium, nicotine and alcohol to no end from family members, friends, physicians and even strangers. I’ve been reprimanded by my own personal physician about how much coffee I used to drink and how often I used to smoke. According to her, these drinks and habits deplete our supply of vitamin B, a vitamin crucial to relieving stress. Since I’ve cut back on my caffeine and cigarette intake, I really do feel more at peace.

It will be difficult to prioritize your well being over your other responsibilities, but you owe it to yourself to make your wellness a top priority. Mills College has a lot of resources that you can take advantage of. I say start with the regular mediation sessions at the Chapel offered every Thursday during lunch.