At Mills, we support open inquiry and freedom of speech that allows for constructive discourse and debate on complex and divisive issues; however, this does not give permission to individuals or groups to engage in blatant or subversive acts of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs.
The recent acts of hostility and discriminatory behavior directed toward individuals and student groups such as the Muslim Student Association, Mills Disability Alliance and the Pagan Alliance will not be tolerated at Mills. Insensitive actions that demonstrate religious intolerance, hatred, bigotry or oppression serve to undermine and diminish all people. Such actions are inconsistent with the values we hold at Mills for diversity in its totality.
The Dean of Student Life, the Provost and the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources are working with our institutional Diversity Committee to address the full range of diversity issues that are affecting the campus climate both inside and outside of the classroom. As we work together to build a strong community, it is important that you share with us your concerns.
Our goals are clear, we are: Strengthening our institutional policies to protect individuals and groups more effectively who find themselves placed in dangerous, discriminatory or harassing environments;
encouraging additional and continuous education among students, faculty and staff to counteract hate or discriminatory behavior;
enforcing consistent disciplinary action and/or sanctions that apply to students, faculty and staff who violate the codes of conduct currently articulated in the faculty, student and employee handbooks;
regularly and systematically assessing and evaluating the development of a culture of acceptance and civil discourse among the different constituencies of the college.
We hereby reaffirm our commitment to being an inclusive educational community where all individuals are treated fairly and with respect. It is our hope that each of us will engage in thoughtful acts of civility and social justice and that we learn to understand and respect the richness and the diversity that is Mills.
Joanna Iwata
Dean of Student Life
Joan Catherine Braun
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and Financial Affairs, Co-Chair, Diversity Committee
Mary Ann Milford
Provost and Dean of Faculty
Tomas Galguera
Professor, School of Education, Co-Chair, Diversity Committee