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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Letter to the Editor

Something so wonderful has happened on the Mills campus that I now feel obligated to report. Three weeks ago Campanil columnist Sandhya Dirks sat in on a private discussion in a class where she helps to teach students the in's and out's of journalism. After discussing proposition 4, which would require girls to tell their parents if they are going to have an abortion, Dirks did not agree with the way opinions were shared.

Speak out, be heard

Some of you may labor under a misconception that we sit in a smoky newsroom with blinds drawn and doors closed, cackling into our hands and printing letters carefully selected to demean the College as much as possible.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Lack of bus passes for students a problem

At the beginning of each academic year, UC Berkeley students can purchase a sticker for their student ID cards, that allows them unlimited rides on any AC Transit bus. This pass, a $1,200 value, only costs $58.50 per semester in students' registration fees and includes transbay lines.

Editorial: The Campanil’s response to the passing of Proposition 8

In the 2008 Presidential Election, America voted for change. They voted a Democratic House, Senate, and President into Washington D.C., and they made history by choosing Barack Obama to be our first African American President.

Our country desperately needs such monumental shifts in order to change for the better, and none of them would have happened without the movement for equal rights.

The Underside of Undergrad

Early on Nov. 4th I sat down to write a clarification of my last column. As election day dawned I had barely slept, and fresh-brewed coffee mixed with pure hope and scant threads of fear flowed in my veins. I thought back to the moment that I fell for Obama: when I first heard his speech about race.

Academic Confetti

Mills students will soon have the chance to hear, see, and play the Reactable, a new interactive instrument which was featured in the Icelandic singer Bj”rk's last world tour, "Volta." The leader of the team of researchers in Barcelona, Spain that developed the Reactable, Dr.

Honoring Native American History Month

Reading The Campanil last week, I was surprised by the column entitled The Underside of Undergrad, where Sandhya Dirks commented that "young straight white middle-class women" are "a minority community that suffers greatly at the hands of the powers that be.