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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Farewell from our current editor-in-chief

My pursuit of higher education has been circuitous and often arduous. Upon reaching this final moment before ending my time here at Mills College, I am offered an opportunity to reflect on my journey in full.

What most surprised me was the quality of the connections I made with students and faculty.

The Underside of Undergrad

Undergrad life is replete with sultry drama, boozy nights, and sometimes, extracurricular activities of a less nefarious bent. There are clubs, pizza gatherings, fan fiction (Seriously, what is up with fan fiction? Torrid porno fantasies utilizing the characters of young adult fiction, really?).

Mills community needs strengthening

It is time we addressed the utter lack of community on the Mills campus, which becomes painfully obvious on the weekends. I am heavily involved in several clubs and organizations, including the ASMC. I figured that I didn't have much of an excuse to complain about campus issues if I wasn't going to be involved in changing them.

A sojourn to Jarrettsville

Professor of English

The following is an excerpt from... my forthcoming novel, Jarrettsville, which will be published next fall by Counterpoint Press. The speaker is a former Union cavalryman and his sweetheart, Martha Jane, is from a Rebel family. It's 1865, just a few months after the end of the Civil War.

Mills students on a mission to Washington D.C.

On Tuesday, Nov. 4th, we saw the historic election of our next President, Barack Obama. Everyone I have spoken with since that day felt that they were experiencing a defining moment in their lives. When Daphne Muse, director of the Women's Leadership Institute, announced that she would be attending the Presidential Inauguration on Jan.

Beulah gate a disgrace to Mills alumna

As a very concerned alumna from the Class of 1971, I call upon Mills College to remember who you are and what you represent.

Waiting for the NL to S.F. after enjoying most vividly and emotionally my memories of those tender, loving years at Mills which gave to me such positive feelings about myself, I felt most ashamed looking at Mills College's Beulah Gate.

Eco-fabulous: green is the new black

It seems that these days sustainability is as fashionable as 80s sunglasses coming back into style. That is to say, annoyingly chic. Now that claiming sustainable intentions is a marketable quality, nearly everyone is touting environmental consciousness to get ahead, or just plain look better to everybody else.