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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

President, trustees and faculty fail to illustrate leadership

Throughout its history, Mills College has advertised its ability to create socially responsible leaders who affect change. Unfortunately, there are few on campus today who actually do.

The expeditious cancellation of the Women's Leadership Institute, the probable firing of Daphne Muse, and demotion of Business School Dean Nancy Thornborrow illustrate a failure of leadership on several levels.

The Underside of Undergrad

I have a confession to make: I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday; not the day itself, but the time of year that surrounds it. I love the chill in the air, the smells of pine needles, mulled spice, and eggnog. I love the warmth of a fire in the hearth.

Hidden dangers of social networking

In a technologically advanced world, staying connected with friends and family is often on the minds of college students, and social networking sites are one of the easiest ways to do so. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and dozens of other social networking sites have grown in popularity since their inception in the late 1990s.

Abrupt cancellation of WLI dismays students

"Mills is committed to empowering women to achieve their full potential." This phrase and many others from the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan emphasize the College's commitment to "education for leadership." As a student fellow of the 2006-2008 Women's Leadership Institute Roundtable, I am baffled by the paradox of how the College plans to advance this invaluable vision while simultaneously eradicating the very programs that are already working hard to grow students' leadership capacities.

Abrupt cancellation of WLI dismays students

I have already had the opportunity to share my opinions regarding the administration's decision to cut the Women's Leadership Institute, and would now like to highlight a project conducted jointly between the ICL and WLI, so that both the administration and the student body might understand the very personal and profound effects WLI has had on my career as a Mills student.

Abrupt cancellation of WLI dismays students

The reason I came to WLI and Mills College was to find my voice. I said so at the first meeting of the Roundtable Fellows, and to use a familiar phrase: "Mission accomplished." However, the journey continues.

As a result of the bio writing exercise that is required of fellows (which was like pulling teeth for me!), I see clearly all that I have done and the significance of my volunteer and community service efforts.

American obesity begins in childhood

Obesity is as American as the stripes on our flag. These colors never run, because last time I checked, running is really hard. And that's not what we Americans are about. No, we Americans want that Oreo milkshake so bad, we will use every fiber of our lungs to defy viscosity, and suck that straw so hard, we will suffocate and die, right there on the Jack in the Box floor.