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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

MCS department may suffer if cuts approved for student T.A.s, graders

The Campanil takes issue with an administrative proposal to cut funds for teaching assistants in the mathematics and computer science departments at Mills College. Under the plan, TAs in both departments would lose all their funding. The math department especially relies on students to grade homework and teach workshops, and math students have already taken a pay cut.

Alumna details importance of honoring Mills traditions

Oh gather 'round, students, the truth needs be told, Come hear tales about Mills Alumnae of old, Be they Morse-elles or Moore-ons, their tales here unfold, For the times they are a changin'.

First, please allow me the indulgence of saying a big THANK YOU to everyone on campus for a fantastic reunion.

Don’t mix fashion with politics

Whether the topic is Hillary Clinton's pantsuits, Sarah Palin's wardrobe costs, or Michelle Obama's dress, no woman in politics can really escape a media focus on their fashion choices, and Michelle Obama's wardrobe has particularly been shoved into the media limelight.

Campanil makes new year’s resolutions, hopes College will do the same

With every new year comes the chance to start fresh and reflect on past successes and challenges. 2009 brings a new U.S. president, a new semester, and for The Campanil, a new management team. In the spirit of change, we've compiled a set of goals to better serve our readership.

Cancellation of WLI a loss to Mills community

The Women's Leadership Institute is essential to the Mills mission: to educate women for leadership and civic engagement. A lot of work has already gone into growing the Institute and Mills cannot afford to waste that potential. Let's stop reinventing the wheel every few years and support programs that prove their worth like WLI.

Upcoming clothing swap alternative to global capitalistic system, smart move for environment

When striving for sustainability, it is essential to keep in mind the six R's: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, (Buy) Recycled, Rot (a.k.a. composting), and Restoration. But considering the alarming rise in rates of consumption and waste, as well as the rising cost of new goods, what may be on your mind is how to reduce your personal spending while still accessing the goods you need.

Taking advantage of Paris culture and art scene

The last six months I've been studying in Paris, France with the Sarah Lawrence College program. As an art major it's been great. Instead of taking normal art classes, the way I would in the U.S., here I have the opportunity to work freely in a couple of different art studios for about 16 hours a week doing printmaking and painting.