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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

BWC reflects on Black History Month

It's February again. Perhaps the most poignant Black History Month of our lives. All of us have witnessed and been active participants in the historic election of Barack Obama as the first Black President.

We, the Black Women's Collective of Mills College, have been asked to share our thoughts on this monumental Black History Month.

Communication to ease campus tensions

Racial tensions..

. on our campus. Is your guard up? Blood moving? Good, now hear me out girlfriend, before you go and burn my newspaper down!

As a commentator, I wanted to share with you some advice I've learned to accept over the past couple years. This column actually refers to all campus tensions, including racial ones at Mills.

Poem in honor of Black History Month

The blues of my body
shaped like remnants of a continent
whirling, scattered, swallowed emotion
dancing shadows in the ocean

The blues of my body
have a midnight pigmentation
bear the color of burning cotton
the meaning of one word never forgotten


Junior in awe over time in Brussels

I don't know how I ended up here.

Oh sure, I filled out the application, wrote an essay, got signatures, bought my plane ticket online and obsessed about what to bring for over a month, but as I arrive in Brussels, Belgium that is all a blur. Suddenly I am here and there is snow on the ground.

The Underside of Undergrad

There is something heartbreakingly hopeful about college. You can still do anything. We have yet to enter the world. Still our entire charge is to explore and think about the world-at-large. We are allowed the prospect of hope, of inspiration, of a deep belief that we can make a difference and be great; we still have yet to encounter our better selves.

MCS department may suffer if cuts approved for student T.A.s, graders

The Campanil takes issue with an administrative proposal to cut funds for teaching assistants in the mathematics and computer science departments at Mills College. Under the plan, TAs in both departments would lose all their funding. The math department especially relies on students to grade homework and teach workshops, and math students have already taken a pay cut.