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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

ASMC responds to opinions on M Center

Dear students,

As the Students Services Committee of the Associated Students of Mills College, we would like to respond to recent opinion pieces about the M Center. We appreciate the concerns expressed by the editor and students and were pleased to see the thorough letter that the M Center wrote in response to these complaints.

Bill to legalize marijuana in California an idea legislators should consider

State legislator Tom Ammiano's proposed bill to legalize marijuana in California would save both money and lives: billions of dollars in enforcement costs and thousands of families affected by imprisonment, drugs and police violence.

The Marijuana Control, Regulation and Education Act, if passed, would give the state power to regulate marijuana much like it does alcohol.

M Center responds to previous Campanil editorial

This letter aims to address some of the issues that were raised about the M Center in the Mar. 2 issue of The Campanil. Our hope is to provide a different perspective on the College's "Withdrawn Without Notice" process and the M Center's role in it. Contrary to what was printed in The Campanil's front page headline and in the second page editorial, we do not drop students from their classes without warning or without notice.

Message from Opinions Editor Kelsey Lindquist

It's a generally accepted notion in the journalism world that news reporters and news writers should not be news makers. The members of a newspaper staff must adhere to certain standards of objectivity that allow them to provide readers with credible, unbiased information.

Institute of Civic Leadership

Before I returned to college as a re-entry student, leadership was not something I thought about. That changed in my first semester at UC Berkeley after I was invited to interview for the Leadership Award Scholarship given by the Alumni Association. Even after I won the scholarship I did not think about leadership or of me having a role as a leader in a direct manner because the community work I was being rewarded for was something I just did and thought of as service work.

The Underside of Undergrad

A dear friend of mine, a resumer at Mills in the final semester of her senior year, has done the unthinkable. She's just about Benjamin Button-ed her college experience. She has, for this final home stretch, moved INTO the dorms. The accepted logic goes that dorm life is something you do at the beginning, because you have to, because it is part of the college tradition.

Administration should commit to humane treatment of feral cats on campus

Thank you for running another article on the feral cats (College looks to new policy for feral cats, 2.17.09).

The very fact that Mills cats are still in danger of being removed and killed by our administrators is disgusting and so anti-Mills that I am ashamed to be an alumna.