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Campus clubs make a difference

Want to change the world? Joining student government or a campus club will give you a chance to at least change our campus.

The increased number of students on campus provides every club with a chance for growth and a chance to change campus. Want to work for a better environment? Join MEOW. Interested in politics? Try the Femme Dems, the Mills democrats. College publications fill campus life with poetry, memories or news. The ASMC, our student government, needs members to help allocate funds, organize events and make the year a success.

We should all partake in the process of seeking out like minded people, bonding together and looking for clubs that we can believe in, or at least have fun with, at the beginning of the school year. It is an opportunity that won’t come up again.

If each of us takes it upon ourselves to become involved in a club, an art group or a study session, we are doing our part to make college life vibrant.

Students who are involved in campus activities are more likely to graduate. They become part of their community. They gain real world experience, add to their resumes and make lasting friendships.

When students join clubs and campus organizations, the college grows from the input of a body of student leaders and the campus becomes a hive of activity. Everyone wins.

Often by the middle of the semester there are too many excuses preventing students from becoming involved in their community: too much homework, work, or off campus commitments. Now is the time to act to improve student life.

The student government needs members, campus publications are looking for staff and clubs are searching members out today.