Fitness trail reopens
The Mills Fitness Trail reopened during the break, according to
Steven King, Director of Public Safety. The trail was closed on
Nov. 23, 2003, following three sightings of a large cat. “We did
not identify the cat, but some believe it may have been a mountain
lion cub,” said King.
Security upgrades
Public Safety has installed cameras in the computer labs in
Lucie Stern, in the first part of a three-pronged effort to reduce
thefts that plagued the school last semester. Additionally, there
are plans to install a keypad operated alarm system and card key
system to limit access into the computer labs to registered
students, faculty and staff.
New offices open
The renovation of the Vera M. Long Building for the Social
Sciences nears completion as 23 professors moved into new offices
in the building on Jan. 9, 2004. “The interior of the building
looks more finished than the exterior, which is still under
construction,” said Paul Richards of the Campus Facilities
Department. The building also houses a computer room, lounge and a
classroom, expected to open during March. The renovation began in
June 2003. Richards invited students to visit the Reinhardt A wing
to see the renovations that were completed last fall.
Work orders available online
Since the middle of January, work orders are available and can
be submitted online. The Facilities Department expects this to
streamline the process for faculty, staff and students. Work
orders can be found on the Mills web site at: