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BLOG | Kirie’s New York Adventures: Ice Breakers

Kirstyne “Kirie” Lange has been selected as an intern for the Sadie Nash Leadership Project (SNLP) in New York this summer. For the next nine weeks, she will be blogging for The Campanil about her experience.

Kirstyne Lange (far right) and the fellow deans she'll be working with at the Newark, New Jersey site at Central Park. (Courtesy of Kirstyne Lange)

I love that each day we begin with an ice breaker that peels off another layer in our three week journey of training and getting to know one another and understanding our roles with SNLP as deans.

We attempted the “human knot” yesterday, an activity that everyone loves. I of course was the reason it was unsuccessful when I mistakenly grabbed a hand when my arms weren’t crossed. Go figure!

As we received more information about our roles, we found out that we’ll also contribute to some administrative work due to last year’s feedback. That’ll mean such responsibilities as attendance, workshopping and being able to rank the courses, speakers, and activities we would like to sit on or head.

The Museum of the City of New York. (Courtesy of Kirstyne Lange)

At the end of our day, the women that I will be working with at the SNLP site in Newark, New Jersey all decided to attend the Museum Mile Festival in Harlem.

It was great because the festival ran from 82nd and 105th Street and bordered Central Park. The museum culture here was great especially when we got to see the various Latin-Latin American artistic expression in the El Museo Del Barrio.

I feel like I’ve known these women even when today was only my third day here. We’ve delved deep into discussions that challenged our views and ideologies and just embraced the richness of great dialogue. I’ve noticed at the end of the day I feel drained but in a good way. It’s almost as if the conversations took me to a place where my mind, body and spirit have just given it all.

We worked out an Iceberg analogy that demonstrated how our cultural values affect our behavior practices, attitudes and core values internally and externally. It was interesting that generally, my group had similarities but on a deeper level the ways in how we acknowledge or address our practices was much different.

I am SUPER JUICED to meet my Nashers in a few weeks. This experience is not only a job, but a great opportunity to share a safe space with great women and challenge myself within a program that promotes and fosters the growth of women as traditional and nontraditional leaders.

To keep up with Kirstyne, you can follow her on Twitter @QweenKirie.

Read more of her related posts here.

If you’re a member of the Mills community who’s interested in blogging about your summer adventures, contact for more info.