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BLOG | INDY 13 Race

I cheered on the participants of INDY 13 Race today, Monday, April 15th, at lunch. For those of you who don’t know, the event was a tricycle race put on by the senior class. People were able to sign up with teams of five with a suggested donation of $20. They started at the base of the Adams Plaza in front of the tea shop, went down the road leading up to Mills Hall, around the fountain, down the road leading up to the Natural Sciences Building, and back to the base of the Adams Plaza. It was a relay race, so there were points along the trail where students had to pass along their tricycle to the next team member.

There was a lot going on today, as the event collided with Preview Day, a day that numerous admitted students visit the campus and get a feel for what it’s like being a Mills student. Because of Preview Day, Founders lunch was served on Holmgren Meadow. APER was also tabling at the event, hoping at the rise in attendance today would raise their chances of catching peoples’ attention.

I went as a member of the Mills College Cheer Squad. We were invited by APER and the senior class to cheer for the INDY 13 Race. We had a lot of fun doing so. Upon arrival, we were bombarded with excited faculty member and photographers and the like wanting to take our photo and record our performances. It was truly a lovely welcome and we returned the favor by encouraging our peers to make it to the finish line.

The tricycles themselves proved as a challenge for all those who mounted them. Balance was key, and under the pressure of wanting to win for the ever popular prize of having bragging rights, it was the most difficult thing to maintain. Nonetheless, everyone had a great time. Watching the overly excited faces the riders pushing out the final kicks to the finish line was the best and the funniest part. The Cheer Squad continuously jumped up and down with their poms and made sure to make every rider feel accomplished and victorious–regardless of what they placed.

Overall, it was a great, unique event. It was my first time being able to make my own presence on such a hectic day and I am personally proud of what the Cheer Squad and the senior class has put on.