A dear friend of mine, a resumer at Mills in the final semester of her senior year, has done the unthinkable. She's just about Benjamin Button-ed her college experience. She has, for this final home stretch, moved INTO the dorms. The accepted logic goes that dorm life is something you do at the beginning, because you have to, because it is part of the college tradition.
Posts published by “Sandhya Dirks”
There is something heartbreakingly hopeful about college. You can still do anything. We have yet to enter the world. Still our entire charge is to explore and think about the world-at-large. We are allowed the prospect of hope, of inspiration, of a deep belief that we can make a difference and be great; we still have yet to encounter our better selves.
I have a confession to make: I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday; not the day itself, but the time of year that surrounds it. I love the chill in the air, the smells of pine needles, mulled spice, and eggnog. I love the warmth of a fire in the hearth.
Undergrad life is replete with sultry drama, boozy nights, and sometimes, extracurricular activities of a less nefarious bent. There are clubs, pizza gatherings, fan fiction (Seriously, what is up with fan fiction? Torrid porno fantasies utilizing the characters of young adult fiction, really?).
Early on Nov. 4th I sat down to write a clarification of my last column. As election day dawned I had barely slept, and fresh-brewed coffee mixed with pure hope and scant threads of fear flowed in my veins. I thought back to the moment that I fell for Obama: when I first heard his speech about race.
Mills students will soon have the chance to hear, see, and play the Reactable, a new interactive instrument which was featured in the Icelandic singer Bj”rk's last world tour, "Volta." The leader of the team of researchers in Barcelona, Spain that developed the Reactable, Dr.
My last column, as some of you may might know, caused quite a stir on some sections of this campus. My intention for writing these columns is partially to shake things up, partially to use sarcasm to illicit a guffaw or two, and yes, also to question certain trends in the academy that I believe are intellectually no longer working.