Mills can officially expect an ATM on campus in a year according to college officials.
Roger Ono, the assistant vice president of financial affairs and human resources said that the idea is still being researched, but the last two issues are utilization and security.
As a safe place to keep the ATM on campus is still being researched, Ono said he is also questioning how much it will be used since up to $50 cash is already available at the cashier’s office.
He explained that the fewer transactions are made per month on the ATM, the more expensive it is for the school.
Because there is a networking fee for each transaction the vender is able to recover some of the cost if there are a large number of transactions.
However, if the ATM does not reach a set number of transactions in a month, Mills has to pay a fee.
When students were asked whether they would use the ATM, almost all of them said yes, but also noted that the amount of the service fee is will also be a big determining factor.
Bonnie Kim, an exchange student, said that she has to pay $3 to take the bus to the bank to withdraw money, and says that it would be much more convenient for her if she had access to money on campus.
Junior Alix Holsten said she would definitely use the ATM if the service charge were not too much.
Holsten said she is willing to pay $1.50, but $2.50 is too much.
She thinks that we should try to get a Washington Mutual ATM because that bank doesn’t have a service charge.
Students said they feel that the cheaper the transaction fee, the more transactions would take place.
If Mills chooses to make a contract with the bank, the students who have a contract with the same bank said they would use the ATM.