ASMC has declared that October will be a great month, even
though most of us have midterms. On Monday Oct. 6th, ASMC voted to
co-sponsor The Mylls Women Collective’s first event on campus. This
event was a car maintenance demonstration from a female mechanic,
which occurred Oct.14th.
Next, two students proposed an idea and submitted a constitution
for a new club called “El Club de Espanol.” The purpose of the club
will be to speak Spanish with other students over dinner at least
once a week. The ASMC approved this idea, which means this club is
official and has received a club account with the allotted
The next piece of very important information is that Erika
Rickard, our Academic Board Chair will be attending the Board of
Trustees’ Educational Policies Committee meeting this month, where
she will represent the students at Mills and let the Trustees know
what kind of academic concerns or comments students have expressed
for the fall term. If you would like to contact Erika yourself
about this matter please e-mail her at
The President of ASMC, LeAnna Perez and myself, Vice President,
will attend the Board of Trustees’ Social Affairs/Life Committee
meeting on October 23rd and 24th, so if you wish to speak to us
about concerns in this area, e-mail LeAnna at or We would love to hear from you anytime.
Ebony Cain, the Women’s Resource Chair, Nancy Jo Turner, the
Diversity Chair, and Kat Stavis, the Alumnae-Student Relations
Chair, have been working very hard for many weeks now to put
together a town hall meeting for the students and faculty at Mills
concerning campus safety. The meeting will be in the student union
today, October 16th, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., so please
Finally, there will be a pumpkin carving event, organized by
Christina Atkielski, the Program Board Chair this month, and it
will be announced at a later date.
One final reminder: please try out our new system of AOL instant
messaging during our office hours.
It is a great and convenient way to contact us from the comfort
of your room or home. Our screen name is “MillsASMC” and our e-mail