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An in-depth look at the California gubernatorial candidates

A closer look at the California gubernatorial candidates in the 2010 election on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

Carlos Alvarez

Alvarez, 23, is representing the Peace and Freedom party in this election. He is also a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Alvarez is described as a “working-class candidate from a poor neighborhood” on his website. He is the son of El Salvadorian immigrants and is a resident of Los Angeles.

He is against government cutbacks and layoffs and believes that the wealthiest banks and businesses in California should “pay their share” of the fiscal burden in California. Alvarez is also an anti-war and pro gay marriage.


Jerry Brown

Brown is representing the Democratic Party in this election. He is currently serving as the California State Attourney General and has served two previous terms as Governor in 1974 and 1978. Brown’s current campaign focuses on job creation, education and fixing California’s budget. Brown’s platform also includes plans for pension reform, protection of civil rights and creating clean energy jobs.

Brown opposes proposition 23, which would suspend the implementation of air pollution control laws until unemployment reaches 5.5%.


Chelene Nightingale

Nightingale is representing the Constitution Party (or Tea Party) in this election. She has worked with Art Oliver, the Libertarian gubernatorial candidate for California in 2006. She notes that the major difference between the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party is the existence of Judeo-Christian values in the Tea Party. She supports securing the California boarder with Mexico, removing sanctuary cities and ending benefits for illegal immigrants.

She is in favor of Proposition 23, which will suspend the implementation of the air pollution control law (AB 32), because of its fiscal impact on the state.


Dale Ogden

Ogden is running as the Libertarian Party candidate in this election. His primary political beliefs are individual freedom, personal responsibility, minimum government and minimum taxes. He supports the legalization of marijuana (Proposition 19) and the suspension of the air pollution control law AB32 (Proposition 23).

He does not support Proposition 25. He philosophically opposes closed boarders, and believes that “freedom should not stop at the boarder,” but that until other issues affecting immigration, such as the “war on drugs” and welfare, are resolved, the boarder needs to remain secure.


Laura Wells

Wells is representing the Green Party in this election. She has been living in California for 30 years and her daughter was born in Oakland. She supports the creation of a single payer universal health care program as well as reducing emissions through government incentives.

She does not support nuclear power as a solution to energy problems in California. If elected, she wants to create a state bank of California. She supports the legalization of marijuana.


Meg Whitman

Whitman is representing the Republican Party in this election. As former of CEO of eBay, Whitman is concerned with California’s fiscal crisis. According to her website, Whitman aims to create more jobs for California residents, cut government spending and fix California’s failing public school system. Whitman is pro-choice, but believes that minors should obtain parental consent before having an abortion.

Whitman opposes the legalization of marijuana (Prop 19) and supports the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
