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ACP 2014 | Sun, Sand. SERIOUS Weather Issues.

It’s raining right now.

It was raining this morning, and it was raining yesterday; in fact, it was raining the whole time, except during those moments of sunny rays of hope  peeking over the clouds, followed by more rain. What is even more wild is that now there are even tornado and flash flood warnings. So much for “Sunny San Diego.”

Now for the real news: This is my second ACP! I went to a nice selection of design panels in order to absorb the abilities of the many brilliant design editors there (other than myself, of course). My complimentary journalist notebook contains many of the tips that were shared, from how to utilize white space to photo placing. I can always rely on good ol’ ACP to get me excited about experimenting with designs and winning a ton of awards.

Along with trying to be a good design editor, I am also trying to be a good student, and I’m trying to work on as much of my biology and organic chemistry work as I can before I return to the bay and attempt to cram in the rest of the work that is due this week. To be honest, I have had better days with my homework.

Unfortunately, this year’s event is coming to a close, and we will be spending our last night in San Diego soaking wet from the rain, where we’ll be discussing our new-found ideas and the seagull that stole our News Editor’s burrito remnants. Tomorrow we will be traveling back to the gates of Mills, unless Mother Nature decides otherwise.

Leaving ACP with a bang! Design Editor Francesca Twohy-Haines getting her crepe on. (Photo by Melodie Miu)
Leaving ACP with a bang! Design Editor Francesca Twohy-Haines getting her crepe on. (Photo by Melodie Miu)


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