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ACP 2012 | Sleepless in Seattle

Check out The Campanil’s Tumblr.

Follow Eden Sugay on Twitter at @abcdedennn.

Yeah, that was a cop out of a blog post title, but what do you want from me? It’s 1:30 in the morning and I’m hyped up off of working out for the past hour and a half, typing up this blog post as quietly as I can in the dark – since my roommates are asleep – while simultaneously stuffing my face with gummy worms (which, I know is pretty counter-productive to all that time I just spent at the hotel’s fitness center…).

Today has been pretty overwhelming; in the good way, not in the I-wish-I-could-just-drop-right-this-moment-and-never-move-again kind of way. Despite the fact that no “real” work has been accomplished so far during ACP, I think it’s safe to say that everyone is beyond exhausted. I will never understand why traveling itself takes so much out of someone.

There was a lot of walking today. A. Lot. Which I thought was nice (and I might be the only one… haha), since it really wasn’t as cold as I expected it to be (again, that’s probably just me) and the sun was out! The Renaissance Hotel is pretty shwaanky and a good distance between stores, restaurants, BARS, etc. I’m excited to just walk around and get lost a little… oh, and to do journalistic work.

Speaking of journalistic work, never in my life have I used a hash tag, let alone Twitter, so frequently in one day. ACP has me tweeting and hash tagging literally everything all day, err day. It’s actually really fun, but I’m not sure how much of the things I post actually pertain to the conference…

I’m actually probably supposed to be sleeping right now, since I’m going to be taking part in a panel discussion at 10:15. Aw, yeee giddit giddddit. Such a busy day ahead for all of us! And it’s just going to keep getting more and more cray (yes, I’m going to use cray here. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.) once it hits midnight tonight and becomes LAUREN’S 21ST BIRTHDAY.

The Campanil works hard to play hard.

And I think I’ve used up enough cliches, movie titles, unnecessary language/made up words for one night.

See you all bright and early tomorrow!

(Oh, and come to my panel.)

(I’m going to look fly as all Hell.)




Check out The Campanil’s Tumblr.