The room was boiling with anticipation, as the game began
between the Cyclones and the Tigers. When it ended, the team spirit
of the Mills Cyclone team permeated even through their loss.
Thursday Oct. 28 the Mills Cyclones were able to hold their own
against a prestigious Division III team, the Colorado Tigers.
Through this heated competition the Mills Cyclones worked
together to battle the longstanding competitive traveling team from
Colorado College. They played three out of five games the first
13-30, second 10-31, and the last 16-30.
“I am very proud of our volleyball team. This is the most
cohesive team I have ever coached,” head coach Marla K.
Mundis said in an e-mail.
“I cannot speak highly enough about my team. Simply put,
they are courageous hustlers who play with heart and
tenacity,” she said.
“We have experienced some difficult times, injuries and
illnesses that some of our key players have experienced. In light
of the latter our team stayed composed and rose to a very
challenging occasion. We play every game with the intention of
becoming better players and learning how to tap into more of our
potential so we can become more empowered people.”
Before the game Heather Lang, the sports information director
said, “this is a big deal, and a very high competition
The team has played 17 games this season and won ten. The stress
level was high but the Cyclones fought hard and stayed focused.
Junior Kate Paisley the team’s libero, a player who can
play any position on the court, called the Colorado College Tigers
“giants,” while watching them practice smacking spikes
over the net.
This highly regimented team proved their experience while Mills
as a team stayed focused.
Team leader Karra McCrafferty said the team, primarily made of
freshwomen, had greatly improved. “The Cyclones have
definitely improved through the volleyball season, we have a great
team at Mills.”
Team player Nina Rubenstein a freshwoman at Mills College, spoke
on how much fun she had, playing the CC Tigers.
“Before the game we discussed as a team how we have
nothing to lose and we really played with that in mind.”
This was an exciting opportunity for the Mills Volleyball team
with only five more games left in the season.