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Student Get Schooled in the ‘School of Sin’

Mills College Weekly

Much of the Mills student body was exposed on April 9, in an
exhibition of pierced nipples, fishnet stockings, thigh high boots,
and Saran Wrap. Costumes ranged from sweet to stern, sacrificial to
uniforms in the form of a Playboy bunny, a Catholic school teacher,
Jesus Christ, and members of the S.W.A.T. team.

Over 200 Mills students embraced their sexuality at the popular
annual Fetish Ball in the student union, an event sponsored by
Mouthing Off, the queer alliance on campus that identifies itself
as a sex-positive club. This year’s theme was advertised as “School
of Sin.”

The Fetish Ball is an event designed to give Mills students a
safe place to express and explore their sexuality according to
coordinator Lynsey Clark, a senior.

“The Fetish Ball offers a positive atmosphere for people to
express their sexuality in ways that you’re not allowed to in the
rest of society,” she said. “It’s great we can do it at a women’s
college… where people feel comfortable and not ashamed.”

Senior Mary Kay Chin believes the Fetish Ball provides a once a
year opportunity for Mills students to exert their sexual

“There is a sense of freedom and relief that’s available once a
year,” she said. “If you can get out this overdose of sex and lust
in one night-it’s a release.”

Sophomore Ronny Kraft credits Mills for being open to a sexually
charged event. “Where else other than Mills, could this happen?”
she asked.

At the Fetish Ball, partygoers were exposed to a heavy dose of
nudity and an open bar. Tops were optional, revealing dozens of
varieties of pierced nipples.

“I thought that the women who went topless were very brave,”
said Francis Sarcona, a freshwoman. “I couldn’t do it.”

Wine and liquor was available to students 21 and over. A
wristband system was implemented to identify those who were of
drinking age.

According to Winifred Wallace, a sophomore who bartended the
event, it was of top priority that alcohol was consumed

“To the best of my knowledge, no alcohol was served to a minor.
Anyone who didn’t show ID or a wrist band wasn’t served.”

Because hard liquor was served at the event, which is contrary
to regulations for campus events involving alcohol, Mouthing Off
will attend a judicial review regarding the serving of hard

Although Clark said that a senior class officer told her it was
acceptable to serve hard liquor, Lael Segal from the Office of
Student Life said that it is a violation of school policy.

“The Fetish Ball itself is not under judicial review,” she said.
“It is the fact that hard alcohol was served.”

In addition to an open bar, a variety of entertainment was
infused into the event. A DJ spun sexually suggestive music from
artists such as Prince, Madonna and 50 cent.

While revelers sweated on the crowded dance floor, Hentai,
animated Japanese pornography, was shown on a large screen
overhead. Towards the end of the evening, a best costume contest
was held on stage.

“I think it’s fun to see what everyone is wearing,” said Mills
student Asra Chatham. “The costume contest was my favorite

Mills students expressed themselves in provocative outfits and
creative costumes at the event. Marie Pence, a junior, and Megan
Wheelehan, a sophomore, went together as a pair of boy scouts.
Katie Donnel, a freshwoman, wrapped herself in a tube top and mini
skirt made out of purple Saran Wrap. Shannon Van Meir, a
freshwoman, wore a navy blue sailor suit and accessorized with a
pair of dark, wire rimmed sunglasses. Zach Gagnier and Martina
Chavez showed off their piercings and toned bodies by painting
themselves in metallic colors.