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Senior class elects new leader

The senior class unanimously voted Nicole Urbach as class president for this semester at an emergency meeting last Thursday.

The senior class, which was without a president until the meeting, nominated Nicole Urbach for the position, which she accepted.

“I would like to have one planned fund-raiser for the seniors, hopefully a dance like queer prom or fetish ball, so that seniors can connect with all of the different clubs on campus,” said Urbach.

“I’d also like to help the December graduates along the process of transition and organize events besides the senior pin dinner where we could sit and discuss the issues that concern us about leaving school.”

Michele Roberts, ASMC president, said that Urbach expressed interest in the presidency, but before the nomination was made, she warned her fellow students that she will be graduating in December and therefore cannot hold the position in the spring.

After that was made clear to the attendants at the meeting, the senior class unanimously voted to have a separate fall and spring semester president, said Roberts.

“There were several people who expressed interest in holding the position in the spring, when they would be more free,” she added.

The decision to split the position by semester was followed by a brief discussion of the responsibilities of the traditional chairs.

“The people that stepped up are going to have a lot of work on their hands, and I commend them,” said senior Denita Elliott.