On Feb. 6, the add deadline, the Registrar e-mails a good chunk of “graduating” seniors and tells us she doesn’t think we’ll be able to graduate with our expected majors and minors. While it’s almost a month later, many of us still feel the impact of those e-mails.
Three months earlier, on Nov. 2, all seniors were required to submit an application to graduate. Between November and February, the Registrar sat upon this information only to reveal it at the most inconvenient time.
Telling us we are having difficulties with graduation due to classes is something that should be revealed before the add deadline of our last semester. The Registrar could have alerted us to the difficulties of graduation before the end of last semester. Or before the beginning of this semester. Or, really, any time before the add deadline. Instead, she insulted our schedules, lives, and time by waiting until the last possible moment to alert us, and then only alerting us to the problems and not giving any possible solutions.
While there has been some turnover in the M Center, and actually throughout campus, it does not justify the actions. To be kind, she is new. To be truthful, she is new only to the specific job of Registrar. I understand she’s been promoted internally from the M Center.
It’s going to be a grand day when the staff of the M Center learns to be kind with student time and considers students a huge priority. Maybe they’re under-staffed or overworked or whatever else, but it leaves me feeling underappreciated and very resentful.
So, dear Registrar, next time you send me an e-mail telling me that I may not graduate with my intended major or minor, could you please make sure that I get this information before the add deadline?