This semester, we at The Campanil have been working to improve the look, appeal and content of our newspaper. We have been trying our best to solicit feedback and contributions from our readers so that we can become even more of an integral part of the Mills community.
For at least the past five years, the content of the paper has been largely determined by the stories that writers have chosen to ‘pick up.’ Unfortunately, this means that we have missed covering some important news and other events because we lacked writers to cover them. To change this and maintain greater control over the content of the paper, ensuring that essential issues are covered, we have implemented a new process by which stories are assigned.
We are now working more closely than ever with the Journalism 1 class to publish their work and to help sharpen their skill set. This process of assigning stories is helping us to cover more issues that you, our readers, care about.
On a campus filled with a vast array of preferences and opinions, it is often very tricky to publish a newspaper that caters to everyone’s tastes. This is where you, the reader, come in. We want to know what you are interested in – whether it be article content, editorial opinion or upcoming events you’d like us to cover.
We want to know what you think about the content of the paper and how you believe that it can continue to improve. While positive feedback is greatly appreciated, we also want your constructive criticism. As students of journalism, we are interested in learning from mistakes and oversights that we have made, improving in those areas and continuing to forge ahead.
Recently, we received a couple of very useful suggestions from one of our fellow student-readers. The student was concerned that we missed a few important events that took place on campus. We are definitely doing our best to respond to this critique. It is important to note that this reader saw fit to comment because the reader cared about the paper, and felt a sense of ownership towards it. This reader wanted to see the paper address issues pertinent to the student body.
Mills, The Campanil is your paper. We want it to be useful to you. So, tell us, what do you want to read about? What is important to you?