Ralph Nader’s entrance into the 2004 presidential race just
before the March primaries has been met with grave concern from
Democrats, as well as some long-time supporters.
His critics’ main concern is the possibility of a repeat of
President Bush’s win in 2000, which many attribute to a split in
the Democratic vote caused by Nader’s campaign. Nader, running as a
Green Party member in 2000, earned 2.9 million votes. 58 percent of
his supporters voted for a Democrat for the House of
Representatives, while 27 percent voted for a Republican.
Nader is now running as an Independent, although his platform is
still focused on anti-corporatism, consumer rights and
environmental protection.
“I think he has a lot of great ideas, but it’d be great if he
could run a co-campaign with the Democrats,” said junior Tara
Singh. “Why disperse what could be Democratic votes?”
“All his life, Ralph Nader has fought incredible fights for
consumer rights, a clean environment and exposing corporate
abuses,” said Debra DeShong, director of the Democratic National
“It would be a shame if what Americans remember after a lifetime
fighting for working families, is the fact that he did not fight on
the side of the Democratic Party and its nominee when all of those
issues he and us hold dear were at risk.”
Former presidential candidate Howard Dean encouraged his
followers to support the Democratic Party and to “not to be tempted
by independent or third-party candidates.”
“Relax and rejoice,” said Nader in response to criticism.
“Rejoice that you have another front carrying the ancient but
unfulfilled pretensions and aspirations of the Democratic