Mills College will be hosting the 10th annual Swim A Mile fund-raiser, an event designed by the Women's Cancer Resource Center to raise money for women who have been diagnosed with and affected by breast cancer in the Bay Area community. Volunteers and participants are still needed.
This year's Swim A Mile, on Oct. 1 and 2, is expected to raise over $250,000 with the help of 550 swimmers, according to Peggy McGuire, executive director of the WCRC. The event grows in size each year, and the WCRC needs the help of the Mills community to continue this trend.
Proceeds from the event will go to the WCRC to support local women who have been affected by breast cancer, including diagnosed individuals and their family members.
"It's a really moving event," said Mills athletic trainer Bridget Mansell, "It reminds you of what's important in life, and that's friends and family and working together … to try to find a cure or working towards a cure."
Neil Virtue, Mills swim coach and a key organizer of this event, has a new goal this year. "I've made it my own personal goal to fill the pool entirely with Mills community people -alumna, staff, faculty, students – and I think I have about 41 … people that are going to be swimming during our time, which is at 11 on Sunday, Oct. 2," he said.
The WCRC was founded in 1986 as a support group that offered its services via telephone by a handful of women who were diagnosed with cancer. Since then, it has grown to its present size of eight staff members and 120 volunteers. They strive to educate and empower women whose lives have been affected by cancer. Swim A Mile is one of many fund-raisers organized by the WCRC. According to McGuire, Swim A Mile generates one quarter of the WCRC's annual budget.
Organizers are looking for volunteers to help run the event, as well as swimmers and monetary donations. The Mills community is also encouraged to attend the event and cheer on those who are swimming.
"We hope to see our old friends and new friends at Swim A Mile and here [at the WCRC] during the course of the year, " McGuire said.
For additional information on the WCRC and Swim A Mile fund-raiser, log on to www.wcrc.org or pick up pamphlets available at Trefethen Aquatic Center and Haas Pavilion.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate.