Described by her coach as one of the most supportive players,
senior Leanne Olsgaard has been on the volleyball team since she
started at Mills four years ago.
“It was good coming into Mills and not knowing anybody and
having a new family. They were a bunch of older sisters. If I
didn’t play volleyball, my Mills experience would not have been the
same,” said Olsgaard. “It was a positive experience.”
When she started the team, Olsgaard, a math major, spent most
games warming the bench, but by her third season she was starting
most of the games. One of the best things that she got out of being
on the team, said Olsgaard, was that she evolved as a player.
“The special thing about the APER (athletic department) staff is
that they are there to cultivate you as a person; you are not only
valued for your athletic ability. You are given high goals, but are
not pushed too hard,” said Olsgaard. “This is important for female
athletes because they get a lot of pressure to be the best.”
Her first year she played back row and outside, but this past
season she was listed on the team roster as an outside hitter and a
defense specialist.
“She is probably the most supportive, enthusiastic player I have
ever had,” said coach Marla Mundis. “She never held back from
giving her whole being, whether playing or with support.”
The biggest challenge while playing volleyball, Olsgaard said,
is overcoming the mental challenges you place in front of yourself.
She said that one of these challenges for her is her height,
because at five feet four inches, she is shorter than the average
Olsgaard has been playing volleyball since she was in seventh
grade and she played for four years on her high school team.
Volleyball is her favorite sport to play and to watch, she
Although this was her last season playing for Mills, Olsgaard
said that she will continue to play volleyball after she
“I will miss the warm ups the most. Just kidding. The thing I
will miss the most is having an excuse to play everyday,” said
Olsgaard said that being on the team has kept her healthy and
active, provided a good environment to be in, and has taught her
how to work on a team, a skill she said that she can use in real