It was standing room only at the Taylor Memorial Church in West
Oakland. Mills alumna Barbara Lee, Congresswoman of the ninth
Congressional District hosts, ‘Bring it to the Bay,’ the first in a
series of open forums with democratic presidential candidates. A
crowd of over 400 gathered to hear Lee and Democratic Presidential
candidate, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH) on Sunday Nov. 2.
The crowd received Lee, with loud applauds, cheers and a
standing ovation, as she was introduced as “the greatest member of
Congress,” by KGO talk show host Ray Taliaferro moderator of the
“This is the most enlightened and informed congressional
district in the country, and we will make an informed decision,”
said Lee. She also said that the issues of the ninth Congressional
District are on the agenda, thanks to the hard work of Congressman
Kucinich, her co-chair on the Progressive caucuses. “People often
wonder what caucus’ do. 133 votes against going to war with Iraq
were cast by Congress, and 125 against an $87 billion budget for
the continued occupation in Iraq. You can thank the hard work of
the caucus and Congressman Kucinich for that,” Lee said.
As Lee introduced Kucinich, she described him as someone who
understands the struggles of many Americans.
The eldest of seven children, Kucinich and his family lived in
21 places by the time he was 17, including the family car twice.
Despite hardships, Kucinich was a councilman by age 20 and
Cleveland Ohio’s youngest Mayor, according to Lee.
Kucinich addressed the audience and said local government is the
most important, because it is closest to the people.
“It helps keep one attune to housing needs, safe urban
neighborhood needs, educational needs and the need for a sense of
joy,” said Kucinich.
Kucinich said that as president, he plans to get rid of all
nuclear weapons, exit the war in Iraq and give the country back to
its people, tell the world community that we are ready to
participate in the world peacefully, and restore funds to
education, jobs and community by reducing the $1.5 billion tax cut
and the $400 billion Pentagon spending, among other things.
“Congressman Kucinich will move quickly to establish a
Department of Peace, when in office,” said Lee. “A Secretary of
Peace will make a big difference when considering alternatives [for
our country].”
Kucinich cited the fragmentation and disconnection of community
in our country as the reason for the disintegration, “which splits
us apart and disconnects us from the rest of the world.”
“The president can arise from a world view and act on policies
that lift the nation up, where peace is inevitable,” Kucinich said.
“Someone who views the world from the heart and sees it as
“Let us make our many fortunes together, let us stand for
equality of all brother and sisterhood, let us seek to repair the
breaches between America and the world,” Kucinich said in his
closing remarks.
“In the ninth congressional district, presidential candidates
cannot be taken for granted,” said Lee. “The issues have been
clarified and Congressman Kucinich did not dodge the tough
For information on upcoming forums contact Barbara Lee’s
campaign office at (510) 636-1207 or